Editor Response: Cal Walsh Reportedly Canvassing On Election Day

Dear reader,

The MSU rules state that campaigning is allowed on election days with the exception of being within 10m/outside polling stations. This would be approximately 1049 steps away from a polling station.

So long as campaigning was within these remits it would be permitted.

With this in mind don’t forget to vote!

Warm regards,

Your Editor Ciara

last edited 07/03/2023 15:54

Ciara Purvis

Ciara is the President for Pub & Lit and acts as Editor-in-Chief for the Silver Hand. She is passionate about bringing a platform to student voices and is excited about what’s to come! You’ll likely see many pieces from Ciara on student issues, wellness and human rights.


Its [sic] Frustrating The Amount Of People I’ve Seen Blatently [sic] Not Caring About Elections


Cal Walsh, MSU VP For Education Reportedly Canvassing On Election Day - Is This Allowed? LTE