Its [sic] Frustrating The Amount Of People I’ve Seen Blatently [sic] Not Caring About Elections

The Union is only as strong as the student body it represents; students are the ones who run for elections, students are the ones who vote in elections, students have all the power at practically every level of the electoral process. I’ve been campaigning to get the consititution [sic] passed tirelessly for the past week or so, and its [sic] frustrating the amount of people I’ve seen blatently [sic] not caring about elections, not caring about who runs the SU, not caring about the new constitution we are trying to pass (which remains unspoken about in the journal), our policy, just general [sic] having such apathy for the Union and for elections. When student’s [sic] are complaining about candidates using a personal Instagram account, about someone handing out flyers on election day, about a democratic process that puts all of the power in their hands being ‘rigged’, and yet they only voted for a free can of monster or didn't vote at all, its [sic] just ironic. 

Go out and vote, vote yes for the new constitution which is extremely important and essential and start caring about your Union and having your voice heard. 

Letter To Editor

This piece was submitted as a Letter To The Editor.


Students need to be given a reason to care about the SU elections 


Editor Response: Cal Walsh Reportedly Canvassing On Election Day