Students need to be given a reason to care about the SU elections 

Dear Editors, 

The recent letter to the editor "It's [sic] Frustrating The Amount Of People I’ve Seen Blatently [sic] Not Caring About Elections" was scathing in its criticism of the student body and the lack of care given to the elections by the student body, with the last sentence being "vote yes for the new constitution which is extremely important and essential and start caring about your Union and having your voice heard.". I can't entirely agree with the letter that it's the student body's fault that they aren't interested in the elections; students need to be given a reason to care about the elections other than just "it's your union". 
There are no policy differences between the candidates: they all seem to have the same main ideas (with different rhetoric for each view) with very few candidates giving any reason to vote for them over other candidates. Even candidates with supposedly "radical" ideas such as Cal Walsh have done little to separate them from the rest of the pack— some people running have also yet to publish a manifesto! What is the point of voting when they all have the same ideas and policy positions? What's the point in caring about which candidates win when they're still going to be restricted by a student union bureaucracy? If you want people to care about the elections, there needs to be someone with genuine radicalism, genuine militancy, someone who can engage the student body, someone who can offer an alternative, not just someone who has had the most time as a student rep or on the senate. 
I agree with the notion that this election is a popularity contest— I have no problem with using existing social media, but there needs to be a change in elections, with more emphasis on policy rather than gimmicks or experience in the student union bureaucracy. To quote James Connolly, "Unions Must Become Radical or They will Become Redundant". 


Letter To Editor

This piece was submitted as a Letter To The Editor.


Cal Walsh Replies To LTE Regarding the Radical Union and Education as ‘Service’


Its [sic] Frustrating The Amount Of People I’ve Seen Blatently [sic] Not Caring About Elections