MSU Election’s Presidential Candidates: What do They Want?
As election time approaches, the task of sifting through manifestos can be time-consuming. Many of us leave it until the last minute, scrolling through campaign Instagrams at the polling booth. But, not to worry! I’ve read through them for you, and summarised each candidate’s main policies and intentions.
Firstly, who are the candidates for SU President?
The candidates running for the 2025/26 academic year are:
1. Jack Kiernan
2. Maeve Farrell
3. Husna Bahdmus
President of the Student Union is the most senior role up for grabs in the
university elections. The candidate appointed will lead the
Students Union as its CEO, and main spokesperson. They represent all
students, and lead the Executive team. He has ultimate responsibility for
financial affairs and administration of the Union, including managing the
Student Union’s relationship with key stakeholders and the Union of Students
Ireland (USI).
In breaking down the manifestos, we will focus on the candidates’ intentions to tackle the key issues which students currently face:
● Kiernan - Wants to advance student study areas and common spaces,
make transport links more accessible/flexible and enhance
security/availability of student parking and cycle facilities. He also places emphasis on increasing commuter-friendly events.
● Farrell - Plans to review the parking system and overselling of permits,
as well as making parking a standing item on the University’s Campus Development
Board. She also intends to lobby for more affordable public transport.
● Bahdmus - Seeks to improve public transport routes, commuting prices,
and underground parking, advocating for a hybrid learning system also.
● Kiernan - Plans to implement a MSU Accommodation Officer to help
with tenancy rights and landlord issues. He seeks to expand student living
options alongside the university and local authorities. Advocates for rent
● Farrell - Plans to lobby the Government for a ‘digs legislation bill’ to
outline legal guidelines for tenants/landlords, including rent increases
that are subject to regulations, and mandatory registration with the
Residential Tenancies Board. She also focuses on creating a long-term
strategy for increasing student awareness of renting rights.
● Bahdmus - Considers students commuting from home and the implication for their academic performance and mental health.
Academic Representation & Union Engagement
● Kiernan - Suggests better training for Classroom Representatives, and
more effective communication within the Student Representative
System, paying attention to the needs of students belonging to minority
groups and St Patrick’s (SPPU) students.
● Farrell - Intends to create more jobs for students within the MSU and
University, expand services like the Student Pantry, and establish a
platform for greater feedback of queries and concerns.
● Bahdmus - Plans for an increase in surveys and suggestion boxes for the university.
Seeks to encourage greater awareness of university facilities.
Other specific candidate goals
● Kiernan also plans to improve waiting times for student mental health
support, by introducing a peer-to-peer support network, increasing
funding and immediate drop-in sessions. The candidate also mentions
the provision of discounted food options on campus.
● Farrell also seeks to tighten campus security by advocating for
improved lighting in dimly lit campus areas, and increasing awareness of
services to report discrimination/dangerous activity to.
● Badhmus also plans to increase inclusivity and diversity awareness in
Maynooth University through events that celebrate different cultures.
For more information on the three MSU President Candidates, here are their Instagram campaign usernames:
Jack Kiernan- @jack_4_msu_president
Maeve Farrell- @maeve4president
Husna Bahdmus- @husna4_msupresident