When Deadlines and Diagnoses Collide: Managing College with Chronic Illness 

I stared at my laptop, migraine pulsing, brain fog settling in – another assignment deadline looming. With chronic migraine draining my energy and the pain making it nearly impossible to focus, college often feels like a battle my body refuses to fight. 


Navigating college is challenging enough for any student but adding the weight of chronic illness – the demands can feel overwhelming. Trying to balance academics, a social life and personal health is like trying to fold a fitted sheet – impossible, confusing, and somehow always a mess.


As someone living with Chronic Migraine, I’ve had to learn that my path through university does and always will look different from most. Between unpredictable migraine attacks that leave me bedridden for days, balancing assignments, my social life, and self-care has been a constant juggling act.


For many students like me, diagnoses like these don’t just affect our physical health – they seep into every corner of our academic lives. Missed deadlines, poor attendance records, and the frustration to participate in the typical college experience can make you feel isolated. 


Despite these challenges, I’ve found ways to manage and cope with my symptoms, advocate for myself and carve out a path for success. Now, in my final year, I will bestow all I know for anyone else struggling.


Chronic Migraines aren’t just bad headaches; they are more like an uninvited guest that shows up to your study session, kicks over your coffee, and refuses to leave. One minute you’re trying to focus on a lecture, and the next, you’re praying for the lights to stop drilling into your skull and the room to stop spinning.


The worst part? Migraines have zero respect for deadlines. There have been countless times when I have everything perfectly planned out, but they still manage to derail my entire day. No matter how hard you try to stay on top of your academic demands, your body just won’t cooperate. It’s like when that annoying friend hits the pause button right before the big reveal in a movie.


Balancing college with chronic illness feels like trying to race wearing a blindfold – the finish line keeps getting further away and you’ll probably end up hurt. Any chronic illness makes focusing on lectures or completing assignments incredibly difficult. It’s hard to concentrate when your mind feels like it’s been put in a fog machine, and tackling exams feels unfeasible when pain makes recalling important information impossibly strenuous.


The energy required to manage pain and fatigue often leaves little for socialising – most of the left-over energy goes towards making sure you don’t fail your modules. Events, hangouts, and even casual outings with friends become a daunting task. More often than not, I end up cancelling plans or hiding away in my room, hoping the migraine will pass (spoiler: it usually doesn’t). 


It’s easy to feel isolated when you're constantly missing out on key college experiences, like late-night study sessions or student nights in The Roost and Brady’s. It’s hard to explain to others why you can’t just go when it’s not just “one bad day,” but a constant struggle.


For students with chronic illnesses, academic accommodations can make the world of difference. Maynooth University offers the Maynooth Access Programme (MAP) which was established in 1998. The Disability Office offers support which can include exam modifications, extended library loans and provision of assisted technology. 


These accommodations aren’t about getting special treatment – they are a tool to ensure that health challenges don’t hinder your academic performance. If you have a chronic illness or disability and aren’t registered with MAP, I highly recommend applying for support as soon as possible.


Be proactive and communicate with your lecturers early in each semester. The best thing I did was create an email that explains I am registered with the Access Office, what struggles I may have and mentions my commitment to my students. I then follow that up with approaching my lecturers before or after class (scary, I know – but it really isn’t) and let them put a face to the name in the email. The sooner you reach out, the better prepared you’ll be when health issues arise unexpectedly. 


Creating a flexible study schedule is essential. Plan ahead for “off-days” and allow yourself to rest without guilt. Tools like study apps, to-do lists, or time-blocking techniques will be your best friends. It’s all about finding your own rhythm – study when you have the energy, and rest when you need to. Don’t be afraid to adjust your schedule to prioritise rest or tackle simpler tasks when you are struggling. Flexibility is key. 


Chronic illness requires constant monitoring and management, so keeping up with your treatment plan is crucial for minimising its impact on your college experience. Whether it's medications, therapies, or other lifestyle changes, make sure to stay on top of them to manage your symptoms as effectively as possible. Track any symptoms and triggers, adjusting your routine when necessary.


University can be a pressure cooker of stress. Whether it’s the weight of exams, friend drama or looming deadlines, stress can make everything 10 times worse. Make sure to do something that relieves your stress each day – even for 5 minutes – whether that's reading a book, doodling, journaling or doing a sport. Find what works for you, whether it’s a quick breathing exercise between classes or watching a comfort show or movie before bed. 


Don’t hesitate to tap into the mental health resources around campus. Our college offers a free counselling service with many workshops and one-to-one counselling appointments. Whether you’re dealing with mental health struggles directly linked to your illness or just need someone to talk to, these services can be a vital part of your support network. If you need support outside of office hours you can text MU to 50808 for free 24/7


Explaining your chronic illness to those close to you can be difficult, but it is important to make sure to have a network of friends and family around you who can understand your struggles and offer you the support you need. My advice is to be open with roommates, friends, and family about your condition and how it affects your daily life. Let them know how they can support you on hard days – whether it’s giving you space, helping you with tasks or just offering a listening ear. Don’t be afraid to lean on them when needed. After all, the best part of going through something challenging is having people around you who care enough to help.


Living with chronic illness in college isn’t an easy feat, but it’s important to recognise the strength it takes to keep going. Success isn’t about perfection – it’s about showing up and doing your best, even on the tough days. Progress is progress. Be patient with yourself, ask for help, and remember that balancing your health and education is an achievement in itself. You’ve got this!

Terri Malone

Terri Malone is a final year Media Studies and Sociology student. She is passionate about writing short stories, poems and articles. She is excited to be this years PRO and current acting president. She is a writer by heart and can’t wait to share her love of writing with readers!


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