LTE Re: ‘Vote Yes’ Explained - The Constitutional Referendum

A chairde— 


Having read through the constitutional changes laid out in today’s article, it seems evident to me that the SU is just paying lip service to its students. The proposed provision that the President be able to appoint Union members to Senate seats if they remain vacant in the second semester proves this. The issue of student engagement and vacant senate roles has been raised innumerable times during this election season, particularly due to the high number of diversity roles that will be left empty, and candidates had little to say about it. This new provision would fill seats, sure, but it would fill them with dispassionate senators who couldn’t be bothered to run in the first place. Where is the strategy for encouraging dynamic, spirited students— and I promise they’re out there— to run for these roles? This proposal is nothing but performative, an attempt to improve the SU’s optics without any material change. 


Le dea-mhéin— 

Fed-up Final Year 

Letter To Editor

This piece was submitted as a Letter To The Editor.


The Vote Is In: Your MSU Representatives For 2023


‘Vote Yes’ Explained: The Constitutional Referendum