Maynooth University Student Union Executive Elections Are Being Covered For The First Time 

This year, for the first time ever, Maynooth University’s only student journal will be covering the 2023 SU Executive Elections. Also, for the first time in a long time, none of the positions are uncontested. 


With student engagement reaching new heights since the return to campus and the not-so-great student levy scandal, this may be the most intense, exciting race to date. This year we are bringing you all the important and exciting updates in one place.  


The SU Executive is made up of four roles: President, Vice-President for Student Life, Vice-President for Education, and Vice-President for Welfare and Equality. 


This academic year, your SU consisted of Niall Daly (President), Lucas Jeannoit (VP for Student Life), Alex Balfe (VP for Education), and Kealan Hilley (VP for Welfare and Equality).  


This semester you are being asked to vote for who you feel will best represent you in the following positions for the 2023/2024 academic year. 


So, without further ado, your SU Executive Canidates for 2023 are as follows. 

Candidates for President 

Alex Balfe 

Aoife Hynes 


Candidates for VP for Student Life 

Kyla Henry 

Carrie O’Neill 


Candidates for VP for Education 

Gavin Fanning  

Richard Flynn 

Hannah Keegan 

Jessica Lennon

Cal Walsh  


Canidates for VP for Welfare & Equality 

Kealan Hilley 

Niamh Riney 


If you are interested in writing on the SU Executive Elections 2023 please contact We will also be accepting letters to the Editor, to raise student voices and opinion on elections this year. All letters to the Editor may be submitted to 


Ciara Purvis

Ciara is the President for Pub & Lit and acts as Editor-in-Chief for the Silver Hand. She is passionate about bringing a platform to student voices and is excited about what’s to come! You’ll likely see many pieces from Ciara on student issues, wellness and human rights.


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