Cal Walsh Replies To LTE Regarding Election Day Campaigning

I would like to firstly thank the student who wrote the letter to the editor regarding this issue. I am happy that there exists a platform through which students can voice their concerns regarding all issues on campus up to and including, of course, issues related to the election. As per the guidelines, campaigning outside 10m of a polling booth is permitted for candidates. I chose that particular lecture hall for my announcement encouraging all students to embrace their right to vote, particularly in regards to the constitutional referendum being voted on in this election, due to its position away from the TSI polling booths, which were located across from the classrooms at the other end of the building. I appreciate the editor’s response clarifying the exact rules of campaigning. I would never in good faith violate the rules and guidelines of election ethics in this or any election out of respect for the other candidates, the election process, and my fellow students.

If this student, or anyone, wishes to contact me they can find me @calforvpeducation on instagram. I look forward to hearing from you.

Cal Walsh

Candidate for MSU VP For Education


‘Vote Yes’ Explained: The Constitutional Referendum


Cal Walsh Replies To LTE Regarding the Radical Union and Education as ‘Service’